By: Albert V. Burns
As we approach the New Year, more and more of our friends and neighbours, relatives and casual acquaintances are finding themselves working harder and harder just to keep food on the table, the mortgage and car payments made, health insurance up to date, etc. Tragically, there are rapidly increasing numbers of people, individuals and families, who are no longer able to even take care of these minimum requirements. As the demands on the various soup kitchens, food banks, homeless shelters are escalating rapidly; the ability of the average person to donate to these charities is decreasing at an equal or greater rate. In what was once the richest country on earth, where the people had the highest standard of living ever known, we are seeing that prosperity decreasing at an ever increasing rate. In order to even stay in business, let alone make a decent profit, companies are being forced to "down size", to "streamline their operations" or whatever other term can be dreamed up to disguise the cold hard facts of what has been done (and is being done) to the economy of this nation.
Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a long hard look at the manner in which the attack on our prosperity has taken place and consider some of the reasons why it was deemed necessary to produce virtual economic collapse in this country. Note that those words "attack" and "produce" are both active verbs meaning that there was deliberate planning and intent on the part of a group, a very small group, of people who are intent on ruling the world, the "Insiders" spoken of in "None Dare Call It Conspiracy." As former Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson put it, "There is no conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact." We will be examining how the attack took place and what it has meant to us.
I would guess that not one reader in a thousand, of the Provo, Utah "Herald," noticed the little two paragraph item on Page A-4 of that paper on Christmas day. In addition, of those who noticed it, far fewer were able to realize its importance.
The item bore the headline: "Treasury: Up Debt Limit." It went on to state that the Treasury is telling Congress that it must RAISE the debt limit of this nation BEFORE the end of February 2003 or this nation will default on our national debt! The last line of the second paragraph stated: "The debt limit now stands at $6.4 trillion."
$6.4 TRILLION dollars! Such a figure is very incomprehensible to someone who is trying to economically survive on a day-to-day basis.
Assuming you were living on the day that Christ was born and were still living today, if you had started spending $100 per second, $6085 per minute, $365,114 per hour, or $8,762,000 per DAY, when his birth took place and had spent that amount each and every day, 365 days a year, for the 2000+ YEARS since then, today you would STILL not have expended $6.4 TRILLION dollars!!! And, NOTE, that $6.4 trillion is NOT the total which our government has spent— it is simply the SURPLUS which the government wasted in EXCESS of all its other income, excise taxes, income taxes, tariffs, etc. Note further that the vast majority of that national debt has been run up during the past 12 to 16 years!
Are the Representatives and Senators in Washington too stupid to realize that they are spending this country into bankruptcy? I seriously doubt it. Is it just that they don't care as long as they can remain in office? In many cases, I am sure that this is the motivation. However, a hard core is determined to see that this country is brought to its knees. Radical statement? It certainly is but the proof abounds that it is TRUE!
To close, just to give you a sample of the information available to anyone willing to face the truth, allow me to quote from a statement made by Pres. John F. Kennedy in an important speech he made in September, 1963 to the directors and members of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C. Kennedy stated in part: "Twenty years ago, when the architects of these institutions [International Monetary organizations] met to design an international banking structure, the economic life of the world was overwhelmingly, even to an alarming measure on the U.S. The United States had the only open capital in the world apart from that of Switzerland. Sixty percent of the gold reserves of the world were here in the United States.... There was a need for redistribution of the financial resources of the world.... This has come about. It did not come about by chance, but by conscious and deliberate and responsible planning." (New York Times, December 1, 1963.) (Emphasis added.)
For an American president to brag that other nations had been made rich and strong by deliberately weakening his own nation may come as a shock to some of you readers. In point of fact, in slightly more than twenty years, this nation had been reduced from where we OWNED sixty percent of the gold in the world to a condition when, at that time, we OWED foreign nations THREE TIMES AS MUCH GOLD AS WE STILL POSSESSED! The situation has been made vastly worse since then. And our government, whether dominated by Republicans or Democrats, is STILL sending BILLIONS of dollars of foreign aid all over the world — billions which they borrow to add to our national debt. Moreover, it is all being done deliberately!
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